The Truth About Success

So what is success?  What does it mean to be successful?

Some will say, having money,  having an education (schooling), living in a nice area, owning a nice car ect.

True success is when your living in abundance. What is abundance? Good health, good relationships, good money and happiness. These 4 things together makes true success. I don't mean to sound corny but forget that, this is the truth and you need to hear it!

Here's how I look at it. Some people may say, I'm not successful. Well, fuck you! I’m so focus, so passionate about my music and my beliefs and I understand what I need to do to stay in the right path. Knowing what the right path for yourself is the key to success.

What’s the right path? how do you know when your in the right path? Some will say, when your making money, when your going to school, when your going to work ect. The right path is a positive mind set. Some may say, I'm not on the right path. Well, fuck you! I used to deal with the most discouragement in the world, the most negativity you can handle but I still remained with a positive attitude. Which is another key to success.

I used to deal with everybody saying, get a job, go to school… blah blah blah. I DON’T NEED NONE OF THAT. I have a POSITIVE MIND SET. I've learned that everybody will not agree with your mind set if its not traditional or if its simply just not theirs. If someone is trying to tell you how to be successful, you might see that they are not all that successful themselves.

You know, a lot of people say they believe in God but then they contradict themselves. How do you believe in God when you feel you NEED to go to school to be successful? Unless God has a plan for you and it has to do with going to school, then that is NOT true. People who go to school, get there degrees are not always successful. That’s ridiculous, you can do ANYTHING if you first of all, put your mind to it and I mean REALLY put your mind to it and give it your all and beyond that putting your faith in yourself and your dreams.

Success is when you accomplished clarity and happiness. Why do you need the money for? To get what you want. Why do you want what you want? Because you would feel good when you have it. Why do you want to feel good? Because you wanna be happy! Be happy now, find reasons to feel good and you will be so on the right track to getting all your desires that you can call yourself a successful person. Tell yourself, I am successful. You may say. but wouldn’t I just be lying to myself?

Well, true success is when you accomplished clarity and happiness. If you have clarity and happiness then you are successful and even more success is coming your way. If anyone thinks otherwise, they don’t know what it means to be successful and chances are, they are not successful! Always remember, true success is when you accomplished clarity and happiness. If you can be happy and be clear about what you want, congrats my friend your so on the right path that you might as well start saying you are successful.

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