How To Have Lifelong Fans

As an artist, your money comes from your music but "really" it comes from your fans. I mean that 100%. You may say, well if I have wack music then I wont have any fans, so money comes from my music. Wrong! You can have so called "wack music" but if you have people who like YOU, who follow YOU and who will listen to YOU, then you have real fans. 

The question is, how much are you giving yourself to your fans? Are you only giving your music? Did you know that people don't buy your music, they buy YOU. If they want your music, they will just wait until its free to download somewhere. They BUY your music because they buy YOU. Lets talk about this is a deeper level...

So what is a fan, really? Someone who really really likes YOU, not just your music, not just your performance, not just your pics! What do I mean by this? What do I mean by fans buy YOU and not your music? Well you see no one ever buys anything unless they think it will make them feel good. That's just a general fact. What makes people feel good when they hear music? When they can relate, when they feel connected.  

The difference between a a successful artist now and I successful artist now and forever is HUGE. A successful artist now, only is successful because his songs sound good and are catchy, that's not a bad thing. But a successful artist now and forever, has a huge following, his true supporters, he has fans for real. Think about all the greatest artists in history, they all let people into the personal life, the real life behind the music. They all had a story and they told it. 

You need to get people knowing who you really are. Make them look at you as a person not just as an artist. Do youtube videos of yourself in the studio, with your mom, with your girlfriend, with your friends. Make them feel like they know you as much as possible. Go on Ustream and host live video shows and let them chat with you. Trust me, you will have fun being yourself.

Think about this... why did MTV change to playing mostly reality shows? Because people wants to see people. People want to see real life. People want to see YOUR real life, they want to know your thoughts, they want to know how you feel, they want to relate to you. You will get real fans, real followers, real supporters if you let them into your life and make them apart of your music. Don't treat them like a customer or some "fan", treat them like a person you care about because they care about you and what you do. A fan is nothing more then one person who feel like they know you. If you have those kind of fans, they will be lifelong fans.

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