Is Having A Crew A Good Idea?

I've found that a lot of artists want to have a crew. Having a crew helps you feel good because you feel supported, confident and in most cases they help you boost up your ego (but thats a bad thing)

Now I don't think a crew is a bad idea but I do think that most people don't need a crew.  Me personally, I've done a lot more without a crew. If you have a crew or thinking about getting one, keep reading, this is important.

I want to make sure that your not in a crew that is leading you to failure – because most crews do. Why do most crews lead to failure? Because a crew is a group of people. Even if its just two, the more people, the more differences and the more possible conflicts. You really have to know yourself well to have a crew. In my opinion, having a crew is a professional and a mature decision. You cant just have anybody be in your crew! You have to make sure every person in your crew is going to help you reach your goals. And I mean EVERY person. A crew doesn't have to be close friends. A crew is not a group of people that you would be tempted to go party, drink and smoke with.

Understand the difference between a group of friends and a crew. A crew is your business team, period. Of course you can party and do fun things with your crew but that should be the last thing on everybodys mind. If your crew right now feels like a group of friends then you need to change the label “My Crew” to “My Friends”. Find out if you really like working with people or you just like to have fun with people. There is a big difference.

If you find that having fun with your crew members feels better then working with them, then they should just be your friends. That's what friends are for. Most of your friends should not be your business partners. If your starting to see that you don't really have a crew but instead you have friends, that's fine. Work alone. Do it yourself, trust me you will get a lot more done then if you was to be trying to work with your friends.

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